AmBank will launch a revamped AmOnline App in May - Expect a new UI, features and so forth


If you have an AmBank account, this news might concern you. Recently, AmBank said it will launch a new version of the AmOnline App. That said, what should you know about it?

For your information, AmBank plans to upgrade the AmOnline APP in May to provide a better user experience. They strongly recommend users update the AmOnline APP to the latest version immediately. So, you can expect a new UI from the new update. That includes the home page, account view and application navigation.

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In addition, these tools will all be redesigned to enable you to operate faster and easier. Hopefully, the new update will reduce crashes and lag when logging onto the website. For more information on the new update, you might want to visit AmBank's official website here. We at TechNave wish you an easy and smooth banking experience.

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