TechNave Giveaway FAQ


General Questions

The more tickets I register, will I have a higher chance to win? 
Yes, you can see your chances to win in the leaderboard. It is updated in real time.

What is the difference for winning criteria between the Grand Prize, 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes?
The Grand prize winner is selected by lucky draw, where the more tickets you put, the higher chances to win. 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes are selected based on the top 3 participants with highest tickets registered for a particular giveaway. If there are participants with the same number of tickets, the participant who registered that particular number of tickets first will rank higher.

How do I know if I have won?
To be the first to know, Stay tuned to watch our FB Live lucky draw at our Facebook page.

The Grand prize will be drawn via FB Live on TechNave Facebook Page. You can check out the draw date and time on the giveaway page.