KKD: DNB 5G share subscription agreement with 5 local telcos DELAYED again

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Previously, we reported on the Ministry of Communications and Digital’s (KKD) announcement that the DNB 5G share subscription agreement (SSA) with 5 telco companies would finally be signed last week. However, this never materialised and KKD Minister Fahmi Fadzil has clarified that there are still hiccups to be rectified. 

As reported by The Edge Malaysia, Fahmi said that there are still a few details related to the agreement in need of ironing out. He added that after meeting with the mobile network operators (MNOs) last Friday (24 November), there are still one or two final questions that they raised. 

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Moreover, the SSA draft was shared on Monday (27 November) and KKD is finalising 2 details today. Accordingly, Fahmi hoped that the SSA would be signed “very, very soon” though he didn’t mention any specific dates. 

Despite the SSA not yet being signed, the DNB 5G network coverage is now at 73% populated areas as of end-October. We’re just 7% short of the targeted 80% coverage, with a second 5G network to be implemented when the threshold is reached. 

So, what do you guys think of the whole situation? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below and stay tuned to TechNave for more tech news.