This AI feature from YouTube could predict what you want to watch and "Jump Ahead" to the best part of the video


YouTube has launched a new feature called "Jump to Highlights," which is designed specifically for Premium subscribers. The feature is powered by AI and is designed to let you find highlights in videos faster. Currently, this feature is only available on the YouTube Android app in the US and is limited to English-language videos.

For your information, the "Jump to the best part" feature uses your data and AI technology to predict content that users may be interested in and directly guide users to the best part of the video. YouTube began testing the feature in March, initially only to select U.S. Premium users. But now, all YouTube Premium members can try it out here.

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Although this is an experimental feature, YouTube says the experiment will last until June 1. After expiration, the platform may officially include it in the Premium subscription package, or further extend the trial period. When Jump to Highlights is enabled, you will see a Jump button when you double-click on any applicable video. Clicking this button will jump directly to the part of the video that is usually of interest to most viewers. By default, you can double-click in the YouTube client to advance the video by 10 seconds.

Besides that, YouTube emphasises that not all videos support this feature, and videos with high views will be prioritised for this experiment. Although you can click to jump to the best part of the video, this may result in less ad revenue for content creators. That could have an impact on the placement of ads in the video. So, it will be interesting to see how this feature will affect content creators in Malaysia.


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