Top Five Features to look forward at Samsung's new QLED TV

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This coming Thursday, Samsung Malaysia Electronics is going to unveil a new QLED TV and before that, we had a super short trip to Vietnam to check out some features. Unfortunately, we weren't really allowed to take photos except for the QLED TV model itself, but we did get tons of information on the features. We don't really deal a lot with TV products, but here are the top five features to look forward at Samsung's new QLED TV.

Magic Screen

No, it's not some magic portal that brings you to a world of wizardry or an invitation for Sadako to climb through the screen panel. Initially, Samsung has already done this with a Photo wallpaper on the TV and what's more, you can also put in your own photo taken from your smartphone. For the new QLED TV, Samsung will be adding two new modes which are Deco and Info.


For Deco, it works more like an advanced version of Photo but moves in real-time. For now, there are three types of Deco, we get to see a wide-angle digital row of mountains that changes its colours depending on the weather of the day, like blue-ish when it's raining, or orangely warm during the sunset. Or if you prefer to see the time and weather in numbers, you can choose the Info and it will act like an oversized clock on your wall. Overall, pretty cool add-ons.

Improved no gap wall-mount

Wait, didn't they have it since last year already? Yes, you are right. But for the upcoming new QLED TV, this is literally almost no gap at all between the wall and the TV, making it look more like a painting on the wall more than ever. Moreover, we were told that the installation takes only five minutes now, as compared to 15 mins last year which is a huge jump. Setting up the TV has never been done easier.


A comparison between last year's (left) and this year's (right) no gap wall-mount feature

HDR10+ Dynamic Scene-by-Scene Mapping

HDR or also known as High Dynamic Range is a term that most consumers are familiar with and it's a common feature for TVs nowadays. Samsung is offering us another level of HDR, though - a HDR10+ Dynamic Scene-by-Scene Mapping technology. It's a bit hard to explain to you how it looks like since we weren't allowed to take pictures, but to put it simply, the colour contrast on the images isn't too overpowered and hurt your eyes. The colour reproduction and scenery are just right as well, not too bright, not too soft.

Deeper Black Contrast level

Speaking about hurting your eyes, you know how watching your movie or TV drama shows in the dark is not really good for your eyes? In this case, the "whiteness" from the screen panel is one of the factors that cause uncomfortable viewing and most people are very likely to stay awake because of that. So to solve this problem, Samsung has inserted a technology called Deeper Black Contrast and what this does is eliminating the "whiteness" and replaced it with the black contrast, making it a great cinematic viewing experience in the dark at the comfort of your couch. Personally, this is my favourite one.

Q Contrast.jpg

Low Latency for Gaming and Steam Link!

Last but not least, most gamers nowadays also tend to get a TV connected to their gaming consoles. But not all TVs are equipped to display the highly intense graphics of games and while they are playable, sharp eyes will surely notice some frame drag or worst, screen tearing for a split second which is really annoying. So with that, Samsung is pre-installing a low latency technology into their QLED TV and not only that, Steam users will be able to connect their Steam accounts together with the TV and game on. Nice.

So just a friendly reminder, Samsung Malaysia Electronics will be showing off a new QLED TV with all the aforementioned features above. Until then, we will add more details when we get to see it this Thursday so stay tuned for more Samsung news at