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  • Supposed iOS 8 Wave wireless charging via microwave is a hoax

    Supposed iOS 8 Wave wireless charging via microwave is a hoax

    A tweet supposedly revealing a new wireless charging method called Wave for your iOS 8 compatible device has appeared. According to the tweet, to use Wave, just put your iOS 8 device, be it an Apple iPhone or iPad into the microwave for 60 seconds at 700w or 70 seconds at 800w. Everyone who has ever used a microwave should know by now that you should not microwave metal, even more so electronic devices. Asides from melting and destroying your iPad or iPhone, it could lead to an explosion dangerous enough to harm you and everything else around the microwave. While this may seem an obvious fake and hoax to most people, some users actually have tried it, resulting in a broken iPhone that no warranty will ever cover so be warned and do some research before you do anything.