11street shares online shopping highlights and 2017 trends


Malaysians sure loves to shop – and online shopping is a new avenue for Malaysians to spend their hard-earned cash. At least that is what 11street is saying, based on their 2016 online survey, conducted recently. The biggest takeaway is that the online shopping is thriving in Malaysia, and has potential to mature and grow further.

According to Hoseok Kim, the CEO of 11street,” The survey revealed the psyche of Malaysian consumers who shop online, and provide us with nuggets of information to outline our predictions for the Malaysian e-commerce scene in 2017.”

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Almost 60% of the respondents of the survey revealed that they shop at least once a month online. At the same time, over 50% uses direct debit as their preferred payment method – ahead from credit/debit cards and cash on delivery. The same survey also said that 4 out of 5 people shop mainly using their smartphones rather than traditional computer devices.

In 2017, 11street predicts that more customers will head to online shopping sites than ever before, which includes new customers who have yet to try online shopping previously. Customers are also exploring new avenues of payments, with debit card usage expected to rise next year. The same customers will also be more open to try and venture into new product categories, and more customers may opt to try the Express Delivery option to receive their products faster.

2017 will see the online shopping adoption grow even further – will you be shopping online more next year? Stay tuned to TechNave for more news and information.