While Malaysian gamers are still waiting for the PlayStation 5 arrival on 11 December 2020, we just came across a piece of funny news of a Taiwanese man who owned one before. The news travelled all across the Southeast Asia region a week ago after this young man shared his story on his Facebook account.
So basically, what happened was Jin Wu found an affordable PS5 console from a reseller last week and agreed to meet up for the trade. Upon meeting the reseller, it turned out to be a middle-aged man and turned out that it was his wife who forced him to sell it (he even mentioned that he could see the pain in his eyes lol). However, the reseller also blurted out a funny comment saying that women can still tell the difference between a PS5 and an air purifier.
昨天去面交買PS5 提早到了面交地點後 撥打電話給對方 電話那頭聲音是個女生 聽起來也不像會打電動的類型 價錢也是當天找到最便宜的 但還是一副急著想要賣掉的語氣。 對方到了之後,結果是個一看就知道典型愛打電動的中年男子,當然免不了在驗貨...
Posted by Jin Wu on Saturday, 21 November 2020
PS5どっかで見たことあると思ったら、友人宅の送風機だこれ。#ps5 #空気清浄機 pic.twitter.com/gD0CswM8g2
— 雲重ねれば䨺 (@bishutoyaju) June 11, 2020
If you still remember, this is very reminiscent of an animated South Korean video parody of a man who tried to disguise the PS5 as an internet router with the help from a telecom worker, his brother-in-law and even his son. Regarding the similarity between the PS5 and air purifier, it really exists as seen from the Twitter post above.
As a gamer, I could really feel the middle-aged man's pain for being forced to sell off his PS5. But did you also pre-order one? And is your wife or girlfriend allowing you? Let us know in the comments below and stay tuned for more trending tech news at TechNave.com.