Just over the weekend, Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Mohd Shahar Abdullah just announced a new National Academy for Drone Sports Excellence in Tasik Paya Bungor, Pahang. Dubbed as AKSADRON for short, it will be Malaysia's first development in hopes of producing more talents for the drone industry.
Currently, a total investment of RM5 million is used to develop a 1.27-hectare piece of land that is owned by the Pahang State Development Corporation. According to the minister, ASKADRON will "have an internationally-recognised drone racing track with space for drone control, spectator area ana tower control". Moreover, there will be classrooms, workshops, flight simulators and accommodation.
Tasik Paya Bungor is 40KM away from the Gambang Toll Plaza and was chosen as the location for ASKADRON due to its open wide space beside the lake. In addition, he also said the academy will be a one-stop centre for technical experts and drone enthusiasts to participate in any drone-related activities.
ASKADRON is expected to be opened to the public by the end of 2022. But what do you think of this development? Let us know in the comments below and stay tuned for more trending tech news at TechNave.com.