According to You: Which telco in Malaysia has the best customer service?


Previously, TechNave ran a fun survey on Telcos in Malaysia. Our question? Which telco has the best customer service in Malaysia? Two weeks have passed since then and below is what we found out!

For your information, Maxis tops the list in the survey. This is followed closely by Hotlink which is the prepaid sub-brand for Maxis. Many Malaysians perceive Maxis as offering one of the most stable networks in the country with reliable coverage and connectivity. 

Plus, we feel the postpaid and prepaid plans are quite reasonable. So, it might not be surprising that Maxis managed to place itself in many people's good books. However, other telcos didn't fare as well, so do read on and find out.

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Looks like everyone loves Maxis

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Okay, maybe not everyone

TechNavers response to other telcos

Interestingly, not all readers prefer the former. One of our readers might have had an unpleasant experience with Maxis. Plus, what caught our attention were the readers' responses about other telcos. Some readers find Unifi's customer service and postpaid plans underwhelming. Some users also feel the Celcom-Digi merger has made the telco's performance worse.

Meanwhile, poor customer service might have been the last straw for some users. As evidenced by this reader's long reply on UMobile, we could safely assume the user might have switched telco after such an experience. On the other hand, there are also interesting shout outs for telcos like Yoodoo, Mobikom, EMartel, XoX, Art 900, TM Touch and Time.

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Customer service is important for a successful telco

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Interesting choices

For now, we can safely assume that Maxis is the top choice for many Malaysians. However, that might not be relevant for long. After all, healthy competition is always a good thing for telco users in Malaysia. If other telcos could improve their services and performance, particularly in customer service, this could lead to a win-win situation for everyone.

What are your thoughts on this article? Would you agree that Maxis deserves the top spot? Or is there one that we missed? Comment down below and stay tuned for more news like this at TechNave!

* The names in this article have been blurred to protect the privacy of individuals involved. This action is taken to ensure confidentiality and prevent potential harm or embarrassment.