All summonses from PDRM and JPJ will be integrated into one database this year

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All summonses from the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) and Road Transport Department (JPJ) are set to be integrated into one database system beginning this year. According to the Transport Ministry’s Secretary-General Datuk Isham Ishak, the initiative would allow for the summons system issued by both agencies to be more effective in terms of enforcement. 

According to PDRM’s official website, the integrated system would also allow for easier enforcement of the Demerit Points System for Traffic Offences (KEJARA). Isham Ishak elaborated that starting this year, should an individual be issued with a summon by either  PDRM or JPJ, the information with be recorded faster as it would no longer be keyed in manually. 

The integrated database allows for the authorities to easily enforce action towards individuals that commit traffic offences and have demerit points face action when renewing their license or road tax. This can be done by accessing the offender’s summons status through the integrated database. 

So, what do you guys think of this initiative by PDRM and JPJ? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below and stay tuned to TechNave for more trending tech news.