Another Back to the Future Deepfake video appeared as interest on the reboot grows


If you remember about three weeks ago, there was a fan-made video of Back to the Future featuring Robert Downey Jr and Tom Holland as D Emmett Brown and Marty McFly on YouTube. Using Deepfake technology, YouTube user EZRyderX47 reimagined how the classic would look like should the movie ever get rebooted. This has happened twice already; now another YouTuber, stryder HD actually made a fan-made tease trailer concept with Deepfake technology.

So far, the video is slowly picking up steam but just so you know, talks about a possible Back to the Future remake have been discussed and Tom Holland was actually involved. With Hollywood's obsession with remaking or rebooting popular movie franchises, it's not surprising to hear this kind of news and fans of the said-franchise are against it with good reason. In fact, Tom Holland admitted that it's not just some movie that can be rebooted.

"I’d be lying if I said there hadn’t been conversations in the past about doing some sort of remake, but that film is the most perfect film- or one of the most perfect films, one that could never be made better. That said, if [Robert Downey Jr.] and I could just shoot that one scene that they remade for fun - he could pay for it cause he’s got loads of money - I would do it for my fee and we could remake that scene. I think we owe it to deep fake because they did such a good job. … I think I’m gonna speak to Robert and see if we can try to recreate something for deep fake." said Tom.

That said, stryder HD's fan-made teaser trailer video is very impressive. It's a bit scary to see how convincing Tom Holland's face is on Michael J.Fox's iconic protagonist, but at the same time, it also shows the potential of Deepfake technology be used in the future for social usage like Instagram filters and so on. It could happen, you know.

But anyway, what do you think of a Back to the Future remake? Yay or nay? Stay tuned for more entertainment news at