Apex Legends Mobile pre-registration now in Malaysia with exclusive in-game items


We have been reporting news about Apex Legends Mobile for a while now but today is your lucky day. If you head over to your Google PlayStore now, you will be able to pre-register for Apex Legends Mobile right now.

So what happens if you pre-register? Well, obviously, you will be one of the first mobile gamers to play the mobile game but that's not the only thing. Respawn Entertainment also said the early birds will also receive exclusive in-game items when it officially launches. If you're using an iPhone, you will have to wait a bit longer as there's no release date for iOS yet.

On that note, it is unclear if those who are in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau can pre-register. Initially, the Apex Legends Mobile web portal said these countries will be included but a press release news by the company said the opposite, alongside China, Russia and Belarus.

According to the new Apex Legends Mobile: Pre-Registration Trailer, the mobile app will have a mini-royale, new limited-time modes and new events. The graphics also seem a bit different from the PC version but in a good way. Are you going to pick up this mobile game? Let us know in the comments below and stay tuned for more trending tech news at TechNave.com.