Apple Watch function saves the life of a 67 year old man


No, this isn’t an article to justify our overpriced purchase of the Apple Watch! The device did save an elderly man’s life thanks to its fall detection function on the device. In fact, as of now, the Apple Watch has saved the lives of countless of elderly people, especially those with heart disease.

The 67 year old man experienced a hard fall and his Apple Watch detected it. In fact, this function is only found on the Apple Watch Series 4 and is the first to utilize it. It works by utilizing “a next-generation accelerometer and gyroscope, which measures up to 32 g-forces, along with custom algorithms to identify when hard falls occur”, according to Apple. If the person who fell remains immobile for the next 60 seconds, it will call for an ambulance and notify your emergency contacts of your condition.

Perhaps this expensive accessory is worth buying after all, especially for those who live alone or with health problems. Maybe it's time to save up for an Apple Watch for your grandmother this Chinese New Year! For more lifesaving tech, there’s no better place to look out for than on!