Apple has announced that its latest premium offering, the Apple Watch, is available from 24 April 2015 and is now open for exclusive online pre-oder from its US store. Shipping for pre-orders takes about 4-6 weeks. It comes in 3 versions, the Apple Watch, the Apple Watch Sport and the Apple Watch Edition. The appeal of a variety of color, size and strap selections makes it highly versatile. The cheapest model which is a 38mm Sport version costs USD349 (RM1281) while the standard Watch version costs USD549 (RM2015) upwards. The costliest of them, a 38mm 18-karat yellow gold Apple Watch Edition with bright red modern buckle can set one back by USD17000 (RM62387). All watch purchases comes with optional add-ons which includes a magnetic charging cable for additional USD29 (RM107), a USB power adapter for USD19 (RM70) and the AppleCare+ bearing USD49 (RM180), USD69 (RM253) and USD1500 (RM5501) for the Sport, Watch and Edition respectively. No Malaysia release dates or pricing details via the Apple Malaysia store just yet but stay tuned for more developments.