Apple unveils ‘RoomPlan’ feature on iOS 16 that uses LiDAR to create 3D floor plans in seconds

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Apple has recently announced a new Augmented Reality API on iOS 16 that is powered by its ARKit which utilises the camera and LiDAR scanner on the iPhone and iPad. Called ‘RoomPlan’, the API can create a 3D floor plan of a room, including key characteristics such as dimensions and even the types of furniture.

According to Apple’s developer website, the API allows for iOS app developers to create 3D floor plans in seconds. This is definitely useful for those in the real estate, architecture, hospitality and interior design industry or any other industry that requires a detailed floor plan of a space.


Moreover, Apple lauded the API’s capabilities, saying that it could help developers to engage customers and streamline workflows. For example, it can help customers make more informed decisions by using RoomPlan to create a floor plan of a room directly in developers’ apps.

Besides that, Apple also said that the API allows for real-time scanning with LiDAR and parametric representation. Of course, right now the feature is only available as an API in the ARKit, so regular users of iOS 16 will have to wait for developers to integrate it into their apps for us to experience it ourselves.

So, what do you guys think of this RoomPlan API by Apple? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below and stay tuned to TechNave for the latest tech news such as this.