Awesome deals from PokeMobile and Hotlink Goodies for Pokémon GO fans


Maxis Hotlink and Grab Malaysia most recent launch, the PokeMobiles. Gave some sweet opportunity for some fans that were lucky enough to grab the limited edition PokeMobiles to hunt Pokémons.


Pokémon GO players were able to book a free ride to the nearest PokeStop by selecting the PokeMobile button on their GrabApp. Goodie bag, refreshments, and Hotlink PokeChargers were provided for their phones and also not to mention a Hotlink Fast 4G widescreen monitor.


Extra advantage was also given to Hotlink customers in the form of free USD 100 worth of PokeCoins via Hotlink Cash Online. There's also another 10% discount for every purchase via Hotlink Cash Online. Hotlink and Grab Malaysia are definitely getting into the current trend brought such awesome benefits to their customers, so don't missed out if you're a Hotlink and Grab user.