Check if your details have been leaked at


Oh-oh, we were listed too (we've erased it here) but you could be listed as well 

Recently, there was a big data leak apparently from all the major telcos, Jobstreet (who have since admitted it, advising caution) and other Malaysian databases. The data was taken from 2014 and contains things like your phone number, IC, address and so forth but KeithRozario have set up a serverless site called for you to check whether or not your number is listed based on your IC number.

He goes on to detail what can or cannot be done with your leaked data but all we can say is, if you found your details listed (like we did) then you need to be doubly aware about scammers and tele-marketeers. If an email or someone calls you up with a special deal or something do NOT blindly or quickly say yes or confirm or just click on the link.

There's been a surge in such scammers and real people in Malaysia have lost their money, identity and worse recently, so best to be aware of such things.