Last night, Samsung introduced the latest Samsung Galaxy S21 series. Since it was a global launch, it wasn't long before Samsung Malaysia announced the official local prices and pre-order freebies. As per tradition, we will be comparing the telco pre-order packages, which include Celcom, Digi, Maxis, and U Mobile.
Before we get started, the official price tags for the Galaxy S21, Galaxy S21+, and Galaxy S21 Ultra are RM3699, RM4299, and RM5899. You should also know that these phones won't come with any chargers and earphones anymore. However, the telcos have other offers that might interest you. If you are curious, read on below!
Celcom - Free wireless earbuds + SmartTag + Wireless Charger Trio
Kicking off with a bang, we have the very generous Celcom. If you purchase the Galaxy S21 Ultra, you will get a pair of the new Galaxy Buds Pro for free. On top of that, you also get the Galaxy SmartTag and Galaxy Wireless Charger Trio! For those who choose any of the non-Ultra variants, you'll get a Galaxy Buds Live instead. All these gifts are worth up to RM1317!
Celcom's postpaid offer is quite straightforward as it focuses on EasyPhone, which starts from RM79/month. If you prefer the device bundle plan, it's also available going as low as RM1988 on the Galaxy S21 (256GB) with Celcom MEGA Lightning XL Pass. To learn more, you can visit their website.
Digi - ALL-IN Monthly Payment Plan and freebies
Like Celcom, Digi is also giving away the same freebies. There are three postpaid plans available for each Galaxy S21 models, including the Digi postpaid 80 (Galaxy S21 only), 120, 160 and 190. You can click here to check them all out.
Digi has been doing this ALL-IN plan for a while now, so the most affordable one is the Digi Postpaid 80 with RM218/month (phone RM128/month + Plan RM80/month + GBoost RM10/month). However, the Postpaid 190 has the largest discount at RM600 off for RM313/month. On top of that, the Digi PhoneFreedom 365 (PF365) is included. You can pre-order the devices through Digi Store Online (DSO) from today until 28 January 2021.
Maxis - Zerolution from RM99/month and Normal contract from RM1899/month
Depending on which Galaxy S21 variant you're getting, there are quite a few postpaid plans to choose from Maxis. If you want the vanilla Galaxy S21, your choices include the Maxis Postpaid 188, 158, 128, 98, and Share 48. However, the Maxis Postpaid 98 plan is not available to the Galaxy S21+ and Galaxy S21 Ultra.
The vanilla variant is available for a low price of RM99/month (or RM1899 via normal contract), and Maxis gives you the same freebies the other telcos are giving. Overall, Maxis' postpaid package is rather simple. If you want to learn more, do visit their official website.
U Mobile - From RM109 with UPackage
As usual, only the Unlimited HERO P99 and P139 are part of the package. Should you choose to go for the UPackage, you can get the Galaxy S21 for as low as RM109 (monthly device instalment). Do note that the total monthly payment would be RM248 (RM109 + RM139), but you need to pay an upfront fee of RM744 upon registration.
If you don't want to pay in monthly instalment fees, you can also go for the standard package. Of the 3 devices, the Galaxy S21 has the lowest price at just RM2109 with the standard P99 plan, while the Ultra variant can be bought for as low as RM3459. It appears that U Mobile has the same arrangement for the freebies too. But do visit their official page if you want to find out more about the plans.
And that's all, folks. These are the packages available via the four telco plans for the latest Galaxy S21 series. Speaking of which, we at TechNave have a bonus for you this time! If you pre-order any of the Galaxy S21 models from the Samsung website, you can get a pair of Samsung ANC Type-C Earphones (worth RM299) for free! Just make sure that you use our exclusive referral code of "TNS21VIP". Stocks are limited though, so act quickly if it's something you want!
As the MCO just started not too long ago, it's better to pre-order online instead of waiting in line. So stay safe and stay tuned for more tech comparison articles like this at