Dell's Concept Luna showcases a laptop than can get fully disassembled under 30 seconds

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Dell's latest innovation focuses on better repairability and sustainability. Concept Luna showcases a laptop that can be fully disassembled in only 30 seconds using a simple push-pin tool. It signifies a new hope for the industry to produce laptops that are easy to maintain and have a longer lifespan.

Dell showcased the idea last year. This year, the company continues to improve it by reducing the number of screws and using components which are easy to upgrade, making the laptop more environmentally friendly. Besides that, there are also minimal cables, which allows users with basic technical skills to take the device apart without much hassle. For sustainability, the Concept Luna laptop uses sustainable and recyclable materials in its construction and packaging.

Furthermore, Dell utilizes intelligent telemetry and robotic automation to enhance the device's sustainability and performance. It helps the company to optimize the laptop's design and functionality based on data collected on the device's usage and performance.

"By marrying Luna's sustainable design with intelligent telemetry and robotic automation, we've created something with the potential to trigger a seismic shift in the industry and drive circularity at scale," Dell Technologies' Client Solutions Group CTO Glen Robson wrote in a blog post.

It's still a long time for the Concept Luna laptop to be commercially available. However, it's always fresh knowing such an idea. What do you think about Concept Luna? Share your thoughts with us by leaving a comment, and stay tuned to for more tech news.