Donald Trump prefers having a physical home button on an iPhone


The United State’s President Donald Trump, recently tweeted to the CEO of Apple claiming that he prefers the physical Home button on the iPhone instead of gesture navigation. While we are not sure which iPhone he is currently using, the White House requested that the President of the United States to switch to an iPhone instead of an Android device in early 2017. With that said, we can safely assume that he is not using an iPhone X which was released around Q4 2017.

The reason why Apple decided to ditch the home button, was due to the fact that the button the physical button takes up space. By removing the physical button and introducing gesture navigation, the iPhone will be able to have a larger screen to display more content. Unfortunately, that also means that Apple is required to remove its TouchID fingerprint scanning technology on future iPhones.

On the other hand, newer iPhones come with the FaceID technology which is not only more secure but also easier to use. Do you prefer having a physical home button on an iPhone? Let us know on our Facebook page, and for more updates like this stay tuned to

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