End of an Era? Sony confirms they are gradually shutting down the production and sales of the PS4.


It feels just like yesterday when the PS4 first arrived in Malaysia. Today, Sony confirms they are gradually shutting down the production and sales of the PS4. This is how they are doing it.

For your information, Sony confirms new PS4 units have to be pre-ordered. That means the company is limiting the PS4 to only one unit per customer. Perhaps this is a strategic move from Sony to further push the sales for PS5. After all, there have been numerous promotions and discounts for the PS5 as of late. Interestingly, Sony has also stopped reporting the sales for PS4 recently.

Besides that, upcoming games such as GTA 6 and other AAA games mean that owning a PS5 has become mandatory instead of optional. We have yet to confirm when Sony will end its production and sales for the PS4. Rumour says it could end in 2025. However, we should expect it to happen soon. Guess that’s another part of childhood that we have to say goodbye.


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