The European Commission has been requesting Apple to use the USB-C port for a while now, but the tech giant seems to prefer its Lightning port over other options. Until now, an engineering student has somehow made it happen before Apple by modifying an iPhone X to fit a USB-C port, giving the European Commission a peek at what they want.
Ken Pillonel initially created a simple prototype that allows an iPhone battery to charge over the USB-C port. However, the proof of concept was rather large and didn’t fit inside an iPhone, so he decided to remove all the wires and squeeze the port inside. He also reverse-engineered Apple’s custom C94 connector, using his own printed circuit board design that fits inside the iPhone. Eventually, he was able to get the iPhone X charge and transfer data through the modified port.
Not only proving us that iPhone can stay alive with a UCB-C port, but Pillonel also has a good track record of creatively modifying other tech gadgets. The student currently studying for a master’s degree in robotics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology has built a car mount for Samsung’s Galaxy Fold and released a 3D printed mod to allow a Xiaomi Mi Wireless Car Charger to work with the Galaxy Fold.
Do you prefer the iPhones to stick with a Lightning port or switch to a USB-C port? Leave a comment to let us know which side do you support and stay tuned to for more interesting tech reports.