The OPPO Reno 3 was revealed last month in India serving tech specs like a 44MP front-facing camera and a quad-camera setup with 64MP main camera. Unfortunately, Malaysia hasn’t gotten an official launch of the device yet since the event. Now, rumours are saying that the device’s sibling, OPPO Reno 3 Pro 5G, will be arriving globally soon after it was found in FCC listing.
Although it’s a 5G variant of the OPPO Reno 3, it is said the device will come with slightly different specs from the 4G variant that was launched earlier. The 5G model features a larger 6.5-inch AMOLED screen with a 90Hz refresh rate and packs a Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 765G chipset. Other than that, the main camera at the back will now get Optical Image Stabilization (OIS), but drops down to a smaller 48MP sensor. You will no longer see a 3.5mm audio jack as well as it has been taken away to make space for new RAM/storage configuration.
On Geekbench, the device was also found with 12GB of RAM, which is exclusive to the 5G model. As for the naming, it is rumoured that the device will not be called OPPO Reno 3 Pro 5G for countries besides China. Instead, it will be named as OPPO Find X2 Neo to bridge the gap between the Find X2 Lite/Reno3 Youth and the X2 Pro.
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