Fahmi Fadzil: BUDI MADANI registration is only for those who have missed out on signing up for PADU

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Previously, we shared how the BUDI MADANI Subsidy Assistance Programme which provides targeted subsidies for diesel vehicle owners and smallholders are now open for applications. Following this, Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil has recently clarified that registration for BUDI MADANI is only meant to close the data gap in the Central Database Hub (PADU).

Malaysiakini quoted Fahmi as saying that BUDI MADANI is an alternative initiative for individuals who may have missed the PADU registration deadline on 31 March. He added that BUDI MADANI is meant for those who haven’t registered their relevant information in PADU.

The Communications Minister, who is also the spokesperson for the MADANI Government further elaborated that the matter wasn’t specifically discussed in the Cabinet meeting today. However, Fahmi touted that the Finance Ministry will hold an engagement session with news editors soon to clarify on BUDI MADANI. 

Previously, opposition politician and PAS Youth Chief Afnan Hamimi Taib Azamudden questioned the need for Malaysians to register for BUDI MADANI when they have already signed up for PADU, which was touted as the database for implementing targeted subsidies. Do share your thoughts on the matter in the comments below and stay tuned to TechNave for more trending tech news.