Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil today urged all social media platform providers in the country to put disclosures for AI-generated content on their platforms. This is to avoid any unwanted incidents from happening.
According to Bernama, Fahmi said that all social media platform providers must be responsible for things that happen on their platforms. He elaborated that should content be made using Generatif AI, the platforms must put a disclosure saying ‘Generated by Artificial Intelligence’ on the post.
Fahmi said that with such disclosures, users would know that the content is made by AI. He then said that such a lackadaisical attitude was 1 of the reasons why the Government is implementing licensing requirements for social media platforms.
The Communications Minister said all the above in reference to a video circulating on social media which impersonated popular influencer and entrepreneur Khairul Aming. The video was made using AI-generated video using Deep Fake technology.
So, what do you guys think of Fahmi’s statement? Comment down below and stay tuned to TechNave for more trending tech news.