Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker expansion delayed to 7 Dec 2021


Delays aren't rare when it comes to the games industry. There are plenty of games with confirmed release dates but still got delayed for various reasons, including big titles like Cyberpunk 2077. But many didn't expect the latest Final Fantasy XIV expansion to be delayed.

During a scheduled live stream for Final Fantasy XIV, director and producer Naoki 'YoshiP' Yoshida announced that the Endwalker will be delayed. The new release date is 7 December 2021, which is two weeks later than the original plan. According to the director, the development team wants to make some final adjustments before launching the game's expansion largest expansion to date.

In a blog post after the stream, YoshiP elaborated on the reasons behind the delay. The upcoming expansion will conclude the game's first major saga. As such, the director wanted to push Endwalker's quality beyond what was first envisioned. This means that the development team would also need more time to ensure that the expansion is stable upon release.

The delay is surely unfortunate for fans of the game that took days off from work to play. But some may consider the delay worth waiting for if it means the quality is improved. How about you, do you play Final Fantasy XIV? Let us know in the comments, and stay tuned to TechNave for more news like this.