Google Cloud Malaysia Day: Malaysia aims to enter the top 30 economies in the world by 2033


At the recent Google Cloud Malaysia Day event, it demonstrated its firm commitment to digital transformation, emphasizing the key role of Cloud technology and artificial intelligence in driving economic growth and innovation. The event summarised Malaysia’s strategic direction and potential in the digital field. So, what should you know about it?

The event highlighted the Malaysian government’s recognition of the transformative power of digitalisation, cloud technology and artificial intelligence. These technologies are an integral part of Malaysia’s economic strategy, including the New Industrial Master Plan 2030 (NIMP 2030), which aims to create a sustainable and prosperous future with a strong cloud infrastructure and a digital-first mindset.

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In addition, Cloud technology has significantly impacted the Malaysian economy, boosting productivity and creating high-skilled jobs. Industries that have leveraged Cloud solutions have seen significant improvements in efficiency, innovation and data-driven insights. The manufacturing and medical industries, in particular, have benefited greatly from Cloud technology by optimising supply chains, improving production efficiency and improving patient care.

Moreover, NIMP’s mission is to increase economic complexity and accelerate technological advancement. Specific projects include creating global IC design champions in the fields of electric vehicles, renewable energy and artificial intelligence, and establishing Malaysia as a generative artificial intelligence hub. Support from global companies like Google that promote cutting-edge Cloud technologies is critical to achieving these goals.

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Furthermore, technology is highlighted as a great leveller, enabling Malaysian businesses, especially SMEs, to compete globally. The scalability and flexibility of the Cloud enable start-ups to expand their business reach, enter new markets, and compete effectively with large companies. This promotes economic security and inclusion, in line with NIMP’s mission.

Besides that, Google’s recent announcement of a US$2 billion data centre investment in Malaysia has been warmly welcomed. This significant investment underscores Malaysia’s competitiveness, ease of doing business, and potential as a regional digital innovation hub. Google’s presence is expected to create thousands of high-skilled jobs and accelerate the digital transformation of Malaysian businesses and the public sector.

The event highlighted the importance of digitalisation and artificial intelligence in shaping a sustainable and inclusive socio-economic future. Collaborative efforts were encouraged to build a digitally enabled Malaysia, with the goal of positioning the country as one of the top 30 economies in the world by 2033 in line with the MADANI economic goals.

The Google Cloud Malaysia Day event reaffirms Malaysia’s commitment to leveraging Cloud technology and artificial intelligence to drive economic growth, innovation, and global competitiveness.


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