Google Maps now will speak for you when you’re asking for directions while traveling

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We’ve heard a lot of Google Maps’ new features recently and here’s another one to join the family! Google has now integrated one of its useful services which is Google Translate into the navigation app. It is said to bring a lot of conveniences while you’re traveling in another country which speaks a different language.

For example, the app now will help you to translate the name of a place from your native language to another foreign language. It will also speak the name out loud using Text-to-Speech for the locals to understand. It comes really handy when you’re asking for directions to a certain place when you don’t know how to speak their language.

The update will be rolling out this month on both iOS and Android. It will support 50 languages at launch and Google said there will be more coming soon. 

Let us know what you think about this new feature on Google Maps! Stay tuned for more news on