Google confirms Android 14 will offer satellite connectivity support

Android 14 satellite cover.jpg

Photo courtesy of Droid Life

Satellite connectivity has emerged to become the latest trend in the smartphone industry. If you still have no idea what it is, it's basically a feature that allows you to call or text when you're somewhere that prevents connection to the network. The good news is that Google has confirmed it's introducing it with the next iteration of Android, so it should be a common feature by next year, as HUAWEI has introduced its own version with Apple rumoured to bring it to the iPhones.

Hiroshi Lockheimer, Google's Senior Vice President of Platforms & Ecosystems, is the one confirms the news. Lockheimer claims that the Android team is "designing for satellites", and it will get added to the "next version of Android". Of course, there's still some time for the release since we would need to wait until Q3 2023.

According to Elon Musk, satellite connectivity can support "one to two thousand simultaneous voice calls or hundreds of thousands of text messages that could be sent depending on the length of the text message." The feature should be very useful for emergencies, and we can't wait for all the smartphones to support it in the near future.

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