Google likely to get sued by the US about Digital Ad market monopoly


It’s no secret that Google is big in online search, but because of this and its business practices the US Justice Department could see fit to sue the company for its monopoly or dominance of the Digital Advertising Market. [Update] It's now official as the US Justice Department will sue Google to break up their ad tech components and pay the US a lot of money.

While Google remains the first in the global digital ad market and is expected to bring in $73.8 billion USD into the US, it could be the 2nd monopoly lawsuit against the US company. While Google has asserted before that this market also has rival companies like Amazon, Meta and Microsoft, the case is expected to start by the end of this week.

Apparently, this started during the time when Trump was in power, where Google was sued over its search monopoly. While we’re not too much into conspiracy theories, it seems more like a method to control than to outright punish the company… but what do you think? Is Google locking out the competition? Let us know in the comments below or on our Facebook page and stay tuned to