Google updated its policy for every app developer to remove full screen ads display on your mobile


Mobile games are often free to play but in return, they often have advertisements playing in the background here and there. Some of them are annoying so with this, Google has decided to finally update its policy in the Google Play Store for how developers show ads.

According to the Google support page, the policy will take effect starting on 30 September 2022. The developers will have to comply with the guidelines of the following ad which include:

  • Full-screen interstitial ads of all formats (video, GIF, static, etc.) that show unexpectedly, typically when the user has chosen to do something else, are not allowed. 
    • Ads that appear during gameplay at the beginning of a level or during the beginning of a content segment are not allowed. 
    • Full-screen video interstitial ads that appear before an app’s loading screen (splash screen) are not allowed.
  • Full-screen interstitial ads of all formats that are not closeable after 15 seconds are not allowed. Opt-in full-screen interstitials or full-screen interstitials that do not interrupt users in their actions (for example, after the score screen in a game app) may persist more than 15 seconds.


That said, Google also said the policy doesn't apply to rewarded ads. For example, an ad that rewards a user for watching one in exchange for unlocking game items or content. Monetisation and advertising aren't also applied as long as there's no interference with normal app usage or gameplay. 

Will this make app usage better? Well, we will just have to wait and see how it goes. Until then, stay tuned for more trending tech news at