Here’s how to check your EPF RM10k Special Withdrawal application status

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The Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) has recently taken to its official Facebook account to share more details regarding the 2022 Special Withdrawal. Specifically, the statutory body announced that members’ application status can already be checked since last Saturday (9 April 2022).

For those that have made a withdrawal application under the scheme, do check on your application status via this link here. If you haven’t applied and is still deliberating whether to do so, do make up your mind soon as application ends on 30 April 2022.


Do note that the application website is only available in Bahasa Malaysia currently. In order to check your status, go to the EPF 2022 Special Withdrawal application main page and select ‘Teruskan’ (Proceed). Then, select the ‘Semak Status Permohonan’ (Check Application Status) on the right.

Next, fill in your MyKad/MyPR or Passport/MyKAS number together with your mobile phone number registered with EPF. Complete the  CAPTCHA security verification and select ‘Semak Status’ (Check Status).


You will then get one of two results. It would either be ‘Permohonan Anda Telah Diterima’ (Your Application Has Been Received) or ‘Permohonan Anda Tiada Dalam Rekod’ (Your Application Is Not Within Our Records).

According to EPF, if you received the first result, it means that your 2022 Special Withdrawal application with the amount you applied for has been received, currently being checked and will be processed in stages. The payment will then be made staring this 20 April 2022.


Meanwhile, if you received the second result, EPF requests for you to double-check the details used to login earlier. Please ensure that the details matched with the ones you keyed in when applying for the 2022 Special Withdrawal.

If you still face issues of your application not within EPF’s records, the statutory requests for you to contact the 2022 Special Withdrawal hotline at 03-89224848 to rectify the problem. Do note that the hotline is only available during office hours.

Besides that, EPF also clarified that those that keyed their bank account details wrongly during their application will not be able to amend their application. Instead, payment will be made via a Banker’s Cheque. 

So, what do you guys think about the EPF 2022 Special Withdrawal? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below and stay tuned to TechNave for all the latest tech news in Malaysia and beyond!