Featuring tech specs that include a 5-inch Full HD 1080p screen, 7-layer pattern infused backside and metallic chassis, the Huawei Ascend P7 combines key features from other smartphones while offering a design wholly their own. Thanks to Huawei Malaysia and a good amount of luck, we managed to get our hands on a Huawei Ascend P7 smarpthone early, so do check out our hands-on video of the smartphone below. The smartphone is currently available in most Malaysian retail stores while telco deals from Malaysian telcos like Celcom and U Mobile involving the Ascend P7 should be coming soon. The Ascend P7 currently retails for RM1499 and we'll be doing a full review of the smartphone shortly, so do stay tuned for more updates.
Check out our hands-on with the Huawei Ascend P7 smartphone