Instagram Reels will now help boost "original content"


In an era where online content consists of regurgitated memes, short-form video platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels see lots of unoriginal content. But the latter wants to change that by updating the algorithm for video recommendation in Reels.

Yesterday, Instagram announced four changes to Instagram Reels. These changes can be categorised into two areas. The first is to help original content and smaller content creators, while the other is to penalise reposted content. The company also pointed out that its recommendation guidelines will not highlight certain content or topics, such as those about self-harm or eating disorders.


Going back to the changes, Instagram plans to help smaller accounts expand their reach by recommending only original content. If two identical videos are detected, Instagram Reels will only recommend the original one. Instagram will also add a label to link reposted videos to the original ones so viewers can find the original creator. Lastly, the company will make content aggregators ineligible for recommendations on Instagram. Aggregators here refer to accounts that only repost original content without enhancing them.

If you are a content creator for Instagram, check the full announcement for any relevant changes. Remember to leave us a comment on our Facebook page, and stay tuned to TechNave for more news like this.