Latest Windows update wrecks File Explorer


When the recent Windows 10 November 2019 update went live a few weeks ago, many hoped that the light update would be trouble-free for once. It wasn't. Since the update, many users have reported their File Explorer malfunctioning.

As the Windows app that we use regularly to navigate and access the files on our PCs, the File Explorer is an important tool. The latest Windows update was intended to change how you can search using it. It would be able to suggest files being searched to the user or search through their OneDrive account.

However, users on the Microsoft Community Forums of how using the search box in File Explorer causes it to freeze or become unresponsive for a long while. Microsoft has not gotten around to addressing the issue but hopefully, it'll be resolved quickly.

Has anyone of you encountered this bug after the update? Do tell us on Facebook. Also, remember to stay tuned to for further updates on this news.