Latest version of MySejahtera adds 3 new features


As the COVID-19 situation in Malaysia continues, it's important to do our part with the resources provided to us. One such resource is the MySejahtera, which is mainly for contact tracing. Some of you may not notice if you don't check often, but the app was updated recently on 26 Jan 2021.

First, there's the Lab Module that lets you view the lab result of any COVID-19 tests you may have taken. Then there's the Self-Report & Homecare module, which is for users to report themselves if their test confirmed positive but have not been picked up by the Ministry of Health. Lastly, you can now submit a behaviour report to the app. This MyRisk feature can then assess your risk of contracting COVID-19 based on the report.


If you are required to move around daily despite the MCO, the new features could be useful for you. Having said that, do you all actually use the MySejahtera app and find it useful? Let us know in the comments below and stay tuned to TechNave for more news like this.