MCMC blocks over 10000 websites since 2022


The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) via Bernama announced that a total of 10,423 websites had been blocked following violations of the law, based on statistics from 1 January 2022 to 1 August 2024. So, what should you know about it?

For your information, 95.7% of blocked websites are in five main categories such as online gambling, pornography, copyright infringement, scam or illegal investment and prostitution. In a five-year period, the number of websites with the highest online harmful content was recorded in 2021, which was 6,571. However, this number shows a decreasing trend from year to year - 2022 (4572), 2023 (3724) and 2024 (2127).

According to the agency, the restrictions are in accordance with the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 (AKM 1998), as well as laws under the jurisdiction of other enforcement agencies, including the Royal Malaysian Police, the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living, as well as the Commission Securities.

In a larger context, these restrictions can curb other crimes such as human trafficking, the sale of prohibited substances and other organized crimes. To ensure that these restrictions remain effective, MCMC said it is also working with local service providers to improve and strengthen prevention and protection measures, including in the Domain Name System (DNS) management aspect.


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