MCMC reveals the truth about RM21.6b NFCP


Malaysia's National Fiberisation and Connectivity  plan (NFCP) recently got announced in August 2019 and this was quickly followed by allegations of it being an RM21.6 billion mega project to be chaired by OPCOM. MCMC has stepped forward to clarify though, with the first clarification being that the NFCP is not a mega project but a plan consisting of strategies, various infrastructure projects and more to be implemented over a period of 5 years. The earlier announced RM21.6 billion is also just an estimation and this can be reduced as more cost effective ways of deployment are carried out.

The NFCP implementation will follow 2 main pillars where a series of infrastructure projects will be funded through the Universal Service Provision (USP) Fund and include fibre optics, wireless and satellite technologies. The 2nd pillar will involve policies to facilitate the deployment of the aforementioned infrastructure. The previously announced allocation of RM1 billion in the Budget is the Government’s initial allocation for 2019. No specific company will be in charge of deploying the NFCP infrastructure.

Here’s the official quote about it and you can also check out the site as well:

“To support the growth of the digital economy, the Government will implement the National Fiberisation and Connectivity Plan in 2019, starting with an allocation of RM1 billion. The plan will develop our broadband infrastructure to ensure more efficient spectrum allocation to achieve the targeted 30 Mbps speed at rural and remote areas in the country within 5 years as part of the overall plan to achieve world class infrastructure at affordable prices.”