Major Google Translate 3.1 update turns it into a free universal translator

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For those of you hoping for a FREE universal translator from Google, the latest update for their Google Translate 3.1 app may do just that (available for both Android and iOS). Featuring a new UI design, the Word lens instant translate function which allows offline translations using your phone's camera, conversation mode with language auto-detection and camera input, the new app should definitely be something to try, even if you're not travelling overseas anytime soon. Our own testing reveals a fairly useful app, much better, smoother and faster than before. Granted, it doesn't translate the more exotic words (swear words included) but you can now take a picture of a sign you can't read and quickly get a translation. For more information do visit their official blog and check out our own tries below.


The new interface and functions offer a very effective universal translator for FREE


Take pictures and translate them direct