Man submits AI-generated art to state competition, walks away with first prize


Image source: Jason Allen

If you ask the average person about artificial intelligence (AI), they might think of more common systems like voice assistants. But that's just the tip of the iceberg, and people are finding more ways to make AI more useful. In fact, someone managed to win an art competition using AI.

At this year's Colorado State Fair, Jason Allen submitted an entry to the art competition and won first prize. But he didn't do it by painting or sculpting his piece. Instead, his "Théâtre D'opéra Spatial" was an AI-generated piece of art created via Midjourney. This is an AI tool that generates images based on text prompts. The tool's development team is helmed by David Holz and is currently still in beta.

Although Allen took home first prize, many questioned the result and said that he should not have won. The man defended his work since he technically broke no rules. And the judges clearly agree as they awarded him first prize. Of course, this is understandably a highly controversial issue. Allen's win shows that AI can now create art on the level of professional artists, which has a real potential of threatening their livelihoods.

If you're curious, you can check the full story in New York Times (via PC Gamer). With that said, what do you think about the topic? Should AI image generation be allowed in this manner? Let us know in the comments, and stay tuned to TechNave for more news like this.