Meizu to reveal new E series lineup on 10 August 2016


In just a few hours ago, Meizu has posted a teaser announcing an event coming soon on 10 August 2016. While that's actually nothing new, since the rumours have long predicted a new device from the company, what's actually interesting is that Meizu is hinting a brand new device family line, possibly calling it the Meizu E series.


It looks like the Meizu E series will be another lineup of high-end smartphones and different from the PRO series, according to sources online, the device might adopt a dual curved screen display, a dual camera lens on the back and a Samsung Exynos 8890 chipset inside the hood. A fingerprint sensor is also a likelihood since that's the trend of high-end phones nowadays, so we're sure that Meizu won't want to be left out behind Xiaomi and Huawei. Besides, it kind of makes sense for the company to make a move since the mid-range phone is greatly saturated.

This marks a week away from the reveal, stay tuned for more news at!
