Meta Platforms (Meta) expressed an apology following the platform's actions in taking down Prime Minister Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim's social media posts dated 14 May and 31 July. According to Reuters, a Meta spokesperson said the company apologised for the "operational error", adding that the content had been restored with the correct label.
According to Facebook, the three posts dated July 31 have now been reinstated and labelled as "This post is authorised for public awareness." Similar posts on Instagram are labelled with "This post is against our Community Guidelines but has been left on Instagram for public awareness."
In addition, the Prime Minister's Office through a meeting on Monday has demanded several things, including a detailed explanation regarding the actions taken by Meta, as well as a public apology from Meta. Meta also promised to release a media statement shortly We have yet to confirm other details. Hopefully, everything will be resolved soon.
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