More Samsung Galaxy S4 Features: S Beam, Easy Mode and Eraser Shot Mode

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The Samsung Galaxy S4 / S IV has a ton of S features in it, almost too much to list. You've already seen many of these features already in action and it seems that Samsung wants to show you even more. These next few ads showcase a number of S features including S Beam, Air View, Air Gesture, Drama Shot and even the IR Blaster for HDTV remote control. It also cheekily puts down the less smart smartphone (in this case the Apple iPhone) repeatedly, so iPhone afficionados beware:

Watch the S Beam, Air View, Air Gesture, Drama Shot and even the IR Blaster for HDTV remote control in "real-life" situations

Continuing on with the Graduation theme, Samsung shows off the Easy Mode for less tech-savvy folks. This includes nice bigger icons and other more user-friendly functions. The other add covers the often mentioned Eraser shot mode where you can remove unwanted objects, even ones in front of your subject.

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Samsung Galaxy S4 / S IV's Easy Mode screens

The easy to access Easy Mode

The Eraser Shot mode makes you look cool and is useful at the same time.