More than 83 million videos and 7 billion comments were removed on YouTube for violative content


YouTube recently released a blog post regarding a new metric called the Violative View Rate, which hints that more than 83 million videos, as well as up to 7 billion comments, have been removed for violative content. Not only that, but the blog also hinted that YouTube’s machine learning algorithm has managed to automatically flag up to 94% of the violative content while the remaining was done manually.

Based on the graph presented in the blog, the number of violative content per 10,000 views went down from 0.7% to as low as 0.18%. With that being said, YouTube will continue to develop their machine learning algorithm in order to further reduce the number of violative content on the platform.

VVR graph

With all that said, what are your thoughts on all the videos and comments removed on the platform? Let us know on our Facebook page and for more updates like this, stay tuned to