Recently, a bunch of images was posted on which showcases the traffic statistics of a notoriously popular porn streaming website called Pornhub. Based on the images, it seems that 52.8% of the smartphone users who visit the aforementioned website are using an iOS device such as an iPhone or an iPad.
Android, on the other hand, make up the other 46.6% of the mobile smartphone users that visits Pornhub on their mobile phone. Smartphone web browsers such as Google Chrome and Safari, currently have the highest traffic share of 44.3% and 41.6% respectively.
Google Chrome on the desktop seems to be the most popular this year, accounting for up to 56.2% of the total viewers while other web browsers such as Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox came in second and third place with 10.7% and 9.7% of the users respectively.
With all that said, do you find these statistics interesting? Let us know on our Facebook page, and for more updates like this, stay tuned to