Motorola has pulled the plug on the launch of the Moto Razr 2022 and the X30 Pro. The news comes from General Manager Chen Jin by abruptly announced on Weibo that the launch event has been cancelled. If this didn't happen, the devices are supposed to get revealed tonight.
"I'm sorry to inform you that the Moto new product launch scheduled for 7:30 tonight has been cancelled for some reason," read a machine-translated excerpt of Chen's post. It's unknown why the sudden change of plan, and the executive didn't mention anything about when we'll finally see the devices.
The Motorola Razr 2022 was going to arrive as the brand's latest folding smartphone, while the X30 Pro gets to be the latest flagship offering. However, it seems like the event has gotten postponed indefinitely. We just have to wait for the new announcement for now.
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