Netflix is rolling out a new Double Thumbs Up for better show recommendations for your profile


On most social platforms, giving a thumbs up is a universally understood gesture of something that people approve of. But what if people want to give more? Well, there's the love emoji as well and Netflix isn't thinking of adding that, instead, the company is introducing a Double Thumbs Up.

According to Netflix, the Double Thumbs Up option will be available today across all the platforms such as the TV, web browser, Android and iOS. The Double Thumbs Up is a new way for Netflix users to let the company know the types of shows that they want to see more. This will also affect your profile with better recommendations that reflect what you like watching.


In other words, Netflix is using Double Thumbs Up to better refine your recommendations to watch more similar shows whereas the single Thumbs Up will still make similar recommendations. The Double Thumbs Up is more specific with your recommendations, for example, if you love Attack on Titan, then you may see more anime shows or the casts themselves from other shows.

So what do you think of the Double Thumbs Up feature? Let us know in the comments below and do stay tuned for more trending tech news at