New WhatsApp Communities feature helps you better


For WhatsApp, we've seen it slowly transform from a pure messaging app to a new social media platform in its own right. The developer has been working hard lately, with a new feature to pin more messages added earlier this week. Now, there's another new feature for Communities.

As announced, WhatsApp can now help you organise events via WhatsApp Communities. If you're unfamiliar with Communities, think of it as WhatsApp's version of Facebook groups. Anyway, the new feature allows community members to create events others can respond to. The event will also be listed on the community info page, and event hosts will know who will attend the event or not.

Besides that, WhatsApp is adding a reply feature to Community announcements. Community admins will be able to receive the replies, which will be grouped together and minimised so as to not crowd the community page. Everyone will be able to see the context of the replies, but won't be bothered by notifications, which will be muted.

Expect to see more features added to Communities and Channels, which seem to be major priorities for WhatsApp these days. With that said, what kind of features do you hope to see? Let us know in the comments and stay tuned to TechNave for more news like this.