New studies said the COVID-19 can "survive" on smartphone screens for 28 days


Just when we thought the pandemic was declining, the cases shot back up again and some businesses have ordered their employees to go back working from home. And so in relating to this, a national research science agency from Australia has reported that the COVID-19 virus survival rate is much longer than initially believed.

According to the researchers, the virus is said to be active on surfaces like phone screens, glass, plastic and banknotes for 28 days if the temperature is 20-degrees Celcius (normal room temperature and in the dark). While that sounds like bad news, several experiments have also shown that UV light can eliminate the virus, as well as hotter temperatures like 40-degrees Celcius within 24 hours. In addition, the virus is found to durable on porous materials too like clothing which would stay alive for 14 days.


However, there are no conclusive studies on whether the virus can be transmitted just by touching. After all, the virus spreads when infected people get too close by coughing, sneezing, or talking. According to Emanuel Goldman, a professor of microbiology at Rutgers University said that the chance of surface transmission is "very small" and the experiments conducted have "little resemblance to real-life scenarios".

At the moment, the World Health Organization said that "there is currently no confirmed case of Covid-19 transmitted through food or food packaging". Nonetheless, we must still play our part in following the SOPs, keeping our hygiene clean and not going into clustered places. Stay safe and stay tuned for more trending tech news at